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Organization To Know – Haiti International Film Festival

Haiti International Film Festival, one of the most prestigious film organizations in the Caribbean region. In this episode, we explore Haiti International Film Fest. where we spoke to Jacquil Constant, a movie producer & Founder of HIFF. We delved deeper into its impact on the Haitian film industry, and discussed the challenges and opportunities that it faces.

They are a niche film festival that specializes in portraying the humanity of Haitian culture by curating notable films from the Haitian Diaspora, such as short films, documentaries, and feature films. The HBO for Haitian films displaying the humanity of Haitian culture. The Haiti International Film Festival (HIFF) was established in 2015 and is a non-profit corporation with a 501(c)(3) status. The mission is to showcase positive images of Haitian culture through film and art.

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