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2022 Cause Awareness & Giving Day Calendar for Nonprofits in The Context of Haiti

Online fundraising and social media awareness campaigns can be launched around cause awareness and donating days.


01: Independence Day —   #haitianindependenceday 

01: New Years. — #newyears

02: Ancestry Day—  #ancestryday

03: International Mind Body Wellness Day— #mindbodywellnessday

04: World Braille Day—  #worldbrailleday #braille

08: War on Poverty Day — #waronpovertyday

11: Human trafficking awareness day— #humantraffickingawareness

17: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service — #MLKDay

27: International Holocaust Remembrance Day—  #InternationalHolocaustRemembranceDay
28: Data Privacy Day —  #DataPrivacyDay



01: Chinese New Year — #ChineseNewYear 

02: Girls and Women in Sports Day — #GirlsAndWomenInSportsDay

02: Groundhog Day— #GroundhogDay

02: World Wetlands Day — #WorldWetlandsDay

04: World Cancer Day — #WorldCancerDay

07: Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day — #BlackHIV

07: The end of Dictatorship — 

07: Reclaim Social — #ReclaimSocial

08: Safer Internet Day — #SaferInternetDay

11: International Day of Women and Girls in Science — #InternationalDayOfWomenAndGirlsInScience

11: Foundation Day — #foundationday 

13: World Radio Day — #WorldRadioDay

14: Valentine Day — #ValentineDay2022

14: Donor Day — #DonorDay 

17: Random Act of Kindness Day — #RandomActOfKindnessDay

20: World Day of Social Justice — #SocialJusticeDay

22: Digital Learning Day — #DigitalLearningDay

22: World Spay Day — #WorldSpayDay

22: World Whale Day — #WorldWhaleDay

27: World Non-Governmental Organization Day — #worldnongovernmentalorganizationday 

27: International Polar Bear Day — #PolarBearDay

28: Rare Disease Day — #RareDiseaseDay



01: Mardi Gras — #mardigras

01: Zero Discrimination Day — #ZeroDiscriminationDay

03: World Wildlife Day — #WorldWildlifeDay

04: Employee Appreciation Day — #EmployeeAppreciationDay

08: International Women’s Day — #IWD2022

10: World Kidney Day — #WorldKidneyDay

15: World Social Work Day — #WorldSocialWorkDay 

18: Global Recycling Day — #GlobalRecyclingDay

21: International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination — #EndRacismDay

21: International Day of Forests — #DayofForests

21: World Down Syndrome Day — #WorldDownSyndromeDay

21: World Poetry Day — #WorldPoetryDay

22: World Water Day — #WorldWaterDay

24: World Tuberculosis Day — #WorldTBDay

26: Earth Hour — #EarthHour

30: World Bipolar Day — #WorldBipolarDay

30: Doctor’s Day  #doctorday 

31: Transgender Day of Visibility** — #TransgenderDayofVisibility



01: April Fool’s Day — #Aprilfoolsday

02: World Autism Awareness Day —#WorldAustismDay

03: Good Deeds Day — #GoodDeedsDay

07: World Health Day — #WorldHealthDay

08: Day of Silence

10: Palm Sunday  

11: National Pet Day 

12: International Day for Street Children — #InternationalDayforStreetChildren 

14: World Dolphin Day — #WorldDolphinDay

15: World Art Day — #WorldArtDay

15: Good Friday 

17: Easter Sunday 

22: Earth Day — #EarthDay

23: World Book Day — #WorldBookDay

25: World Malaria Day — #WorldMalariaDay

25: World Penguin Day — #worldpenguinday

27: National Tell A Story Day

27: International Guide Dog Day

28: Stop Food Waste Day— #stopfoodwasteday

29: Arbor Day

30: Adopt A Shelter Pet Day

30: International Jazz Day — #JazzDay
30: International Sculpture Day — #ISDay



01: Agriculture and Labor Day

03: World Press Freedom Day — #WorldPressFreedomDay
04: International Firefighters Day

05: Cinco De Mayo

05: Day Of Prayer

06: Nurses Day— #nursesday

08: Mother’s Day

10: World Lupus Day — #WorldLupusDay
12: International Nurses Day — #NursesDay
14: World Fair Trade Day — #WorldFairTradeDay
14: World Migratory Bird Day — #WorldMigratoryBirdDay
17: International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia** — #IDAHOBIT
18: Flag and University Day#haitianflagday, #universityday

18: HIV Vaccine Awareness Day 

18: International Museum Day — #MuseumDay
20: Endangered Species Day — #EndangeredSpeciesDay
22: International Day for Biological Diversity — #BiologicalDiversityDay
23: World Turtle Day — #WorldTurtleDay
31: World No Tobacco Day — #WorldNoTobaccoDay



01: Stand For Children Day 

01: World Reef Awareness Day 

05: Cancer Survivor Day

05: World Environment Day — #WorldEnvironmentDay
08: World Ocean Day — #WorldOceanDay
12: World Day Against Child Labour — #WorldDayAgainstChildLabour
14: World Blood Donor Day — #WorldBloodDonorDay
15: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

16: Feast of Corpus Christi 

19: Father’s Day— #fathersday

20: World Refugee Day — #WorldRefugeeDay
21: International Day of Yoga — #YogaDay
22: World Rainforest Day — #WorldRainforestDay
26: Gay Pride Day** — #Pride22

27: PTSD Awareness Day— #PTSDAwarenessDay

27: HIV Testing Day 


**Disclaimer: Persons in Haiti may face social and legal challenges that non-LGBT residents do not. Adult, noncommercial, and consensual same-sex sexuality is not a crime, but transgender people can be fined for violating a broad vagrancy law. To support the work of LGBTQ+ communities in Haiti, partner with kouraj



11: World Population Day — #WorldPopulationDay
15: National Give Something Away Day

17: World Day For International Justice

18: Nelson Mandela International Day — #MandelaDay
24: Parents’ Day 

28: World Hepatitis Day — #WorldHepatitisDay
29: Al Hijra (Islamic New Year) 

29: International Tiger Day — #InternationalTigerDay
30: World Day Against Trafficking in Persons — #EndHumanTrafficking

30: International Day Of Friendship

31: World Ranger Day



10: World Lion Day — #WorldLionDay
12: International Youth Day — #YouthDay
12: World Elephant Day — #WorldElephantDay
17: National Nonprofit Day — #NationalNonprofitDay (Internationally recognized)
15: Cap-Haitien’s founding day

15: Feast of Assumption

19: World Humanitarian Day — #WorldHumanitarianDay
20: International Homeless Animals’ Day

21: Senior Citizen Day  

26: National Dog Day — #DogDay (Internationally recognized)
26: Women’s Equality Day 

29: International Day Against Nuclear Tests — #AgainstNuclearTestsDay

31: Overdose Awareness Day 



05: International Day of Charity — #CharityDay
08: International Literacy Day — #LiteracyDay
10: World Suicide Prevention Day — #WorldSuicidePreventionDay

20: Dessalines Day 

15: International Day of Democracy — #DemocracyDay
21: International Day of Peace — #PeaceDay
21: World Alzheimer’s Day — #WorldAlzheimersDay
25: World Rivers Day — #WorldRiversDay
26: Mesothelioma Awareness Day

27: World Tourism Day — #WorldTourismDay

28: World Rabies Day 

29: World Heart Day 



01: International Day Of Older Persons 

01: International Musical Day 

03: Child Health Day 

03: World Habitat Day — #WorldHabitatDay

04: World Animal Day — #WorldAnimalDay
05: World Teachers Day — #WorldTeachersDay
06: World Cerebral Palsy Day — #WorldCPDay
10: World Homeless Day — #WorldHomelessDay
10: Day Against The Death Penalty 

10: World Mental Health Day — #WorldMentalHealthDay
11: International Day of the Girl Child — #DayOfTheGirl
12: World Arthritis Day — #WorldArthritisDay
13: World Thrombosis Day — #WorldThrombosisDay

13: Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day
15: International Day of Rural Women — #RuralWomenDay
16: World Food Day — #WorldFoodDay
17: International Day for the Eradication of Poverty — #EndPoveryDay
17: Anniversary of the Death of Dessalines 

18: Health Care Aide Day  

19: LGBT Center Awareness Day**

19: Day Of Unity

20: World Values Day — #WorldValuesDay

22: Make A Difference Day

25: International Artist Day

29: World Stroke Day

29: World Psoriasis Day
29: National Internet Day — #WorldInternetDay (Internationally recognized)

30: Speak Up For Service Day
31: World Cities Day — #WorldCitiesDay

31: Halloween



01: All Saints’ Day  

01: All Souls Day/Gede 

02: Stress Awareness Day

12: World Pneumonia Day 

13: World Kindness Day — #WorldKindnessDay
14: World Diabetes Day — #WorldDiabetesDay
15: National Recycling Day

16: International Day for Tolerance — #ToleranceDay
17: World Pancreatic Cancer Day — #WorldPancreaticCancerDay
17: World Philosophy Day — #WorldPhilosophyDay
18: Battle of Vertières Day 

19: World Toilet Day — #WorldToiletDay

19: Family Volunteer Day  
20: World Children’s Day — #WorldChildrensDay

20: Transgender Day Of Remembrance**  
25: International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women — #EndViolenceAgainstWomen
29: Giving Tuesday — #GivingTuesday



01: World AIDS Day — #WorldAIDSDay

02: International Day For The Abolition Of Slavery 
03: International Day of People with Disabilities — #IDPwD22
05: Discovery Day  

05: International Volunteer Day — #VolunteerDay
05: World Soil Day — #WorldSoilDay
09: International Anti-Corruption Day — #AntiCorruptionDay
10: International Human Rights Day — #HumanRightsDay
11: International Mountain Day — #MountainDay
12: Universal Health Coverage Day

18: International Migrants Day — #MigrantsDay

20: International Human Solidarity Day

25: Christmas Day 

31: New Year’s Eve 

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Centre NGO works to maximize the impact of organizations in communities worldwide, with a focus on data, capacity development, and advocacy. Our mission is to transform lives through sustainable change.

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