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9 TED Talks That Anyone Working in Nonprofit Should Watch

TED talks are filled with knowledge that challenges and expands one’s perspectives. Applying what you’ve learned from TED talks to your everyday life might also facilitate your discovery that you might not always know what you’re talking about. These presentations teach you to listen first so that you can think about the information you were given before making a decision. This is often a life skill that benefits you. TED Talks can teach you a way to think critically about new or complex information, which could be a skill that may benefit you in the long run.TED presentations may discuss topics similar to your passions or interests, but you will likely discover something you have never considered. 

When TED speakers propose their ideas, there are very few rules regarding what can and cannot be covered. This helps create content that ranges from deep-sea exploration to how rats have been taught to detect landmines. There is truly something for everyone. Including people interested in or working in Nonprofits. Here are 9 TEd talks that anywho is working or interested in nonprofits should watch. 

During the talk, Derek Sivers shows a three-minute video demonstrating how quickly a movement can go from one leader to two followers to an entire community of people standing behind one common cause. The key to generating this kind of momentum is to lead by example. Once others have decided to support your nonprofits, clarify your vision and aims, highlight your most successful initiatives, and instruct them on how to share your cause with their network.

According to Dave Meslin, seven barriers keep people from taking action, even among those who care deeply about a cause. The seven barriers are public spaces, media, heroism, political parties, charitable status, elections, and city hall: Community engagement for a project may be by placing an ad in a local paper.

Almost all nonprofits want to inspire their supporters to take action in some capacity, like making a donation or signing up for a weekly newsletter. To help elicit these desired actions, Simon Sinek says to start with a few important questions that help define an inspiring message. Questions such as what’s your purpose? What’s your cause? What’s your belief? Why does your organization exist? Why do you get out of bed every morning? Why should anyone care? 

Coca-Cola has a global network of markets and distributors who ensure that even remote communities can access their products. On stage, Melinda Gates speaks on identifying champions on the ground who you can empower to evangelize our cause and educate other people in their direct community about your organization. Take risks in your advertising and not expect people to buy your product or service because you are providing it to them.

Influential leaders better snake their organization and employees by creating an atmosphere that encourages and promotes professional growth. If you want to cultivate strong leadership qualities in yourself and those within your nonprofit who wish to lead, be positive, fair, trustworthy, appreciative, committed, organized, responsive, and motivating. 

Erez Yoeli thinks that harnessing someone’s desire to be seen as generous can motivate them to get involved with a cause and do good in the world. Further, small changes that can give people more credit for doing good, like showcasing your most active and dedicated supporters to the community, can make a huge difference. Consider what your nonprofit can do to increase the observability of someone’s good deed, eliminate excuses for not participating, and communicate clear expectations for what their involvement includes. 

In this TED talk, Dan Pallotta argues that nonprofits are rewarded for reducing overhead versus being rewarded for the work they’re able to accomplish. He encourages everyone to ask nonprofits what the scale of their dreams is instead of their overhead rate.

For Ernesto Sirolli, it’s crucial that nonprofits who want to help listen to these groups instead of telling them what to do. Respect for the nuances of the culture, language, and values they’re embedded in can go a long way toward making a lasting impact.

The very nature of nonprofits is to advocate change and buck the status quo. Every cause has a story, and how it is told will make all the difference when appealing to the good nature of your donors and other forms of moral support. Andrew Stanton, the writer of Toy Story, believes it wasn’t the new technology that made the film a success but rather the story it told. Stanton teaches us what it takes to build a great story that will hook your audience.

In conclusion, there are hundreds and thousands of TED talks, but there are countless lessons for nonprofits to learn in areas like leadership, inspiring action, fueling the good in others, and so much more.  

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Centre NGO works to maximize the impact of organizations in communities worldwide, with a focus on data, capacity development, and advocacy. Our mission is to transform lives through sustainable change.

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