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Accessibility in Haiti: Breaking Barriers for an Inclusive Future

A thought-provoking conversation on accessibility within the Haitian community, where we delve into the importance of inclusion for individuals with disabilities with Guerline Dardignac, Specialist in Disability, Accessibility, and Inclusion. This dialogue examines the legal and policy frameworks in Haiti, addressing current barriers and their impact on daily life.

We explored:
✔️ The challenges faced by persons with disabilities in Haiti.
✔️ Cultural perceptions of disability and their effects on inclusion.
✔️ Successful initiatives and organizations making a difference.
✔️ The vital role of community involvement in promoting accessibility.
✔️ How government policies and strategies can better support accessibility.
✔️ Key areas in need of attention, like transportation, education, and healthcare.
✔️ Strengthening collaboration between NGOs, government, and communities.

This conversation is packed with insights, strategies, and actionable steps to help foster a more inclusive society in Haiti.

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Centre NGO works to maximize the impact of organizations in communities worldwide, with a focus on data, capacity development, and advocacy. Our mission is to transform lives through sustainable change.

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