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International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is a day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. It is celebrated in more than 100 countries around the world and is a global day of lobbying for women’s rights.  It is on this day that we celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.  

We’ve compiled a list of organizations in our communities that support girls and women.


Fonkoze was created over 28 years ago to bring financial inclusion and development services to Haiti’s poor – providing them a viable way to lift themselves out of poverty.

Fonkoze is a family of organizations that work together to provide the financial and non-financial services to empower Haitians—primarily women—to lift their families out of poverty.


ESPWA, Inc. and The Haiti Community Foundation

Haiti Projects is a non-profit organization with a mission to empower women in rural Haiti to achieve self-sufficiency through a variety of programs. They provide access to jobs with fair trade pay, education, health care, and opportunities for the development of a sustainable local community. Haiti Projects is a non-profit organization based in the village of Fond des Blancs. They are currently the second largest employer in a region of Haiti where more than 100,000 people live without access to electricity or public amenities, and they are growing rapidly.


Midwives for Haiti

Midwives for Haiti collaborates with the Ministry of Public Health and Population of Haiti and other organizations to provide culturally acceptable, high-impact health interventions. They educate and connect skilled birth attendants from rural regions to mothers in need.

Their programs educate and empower Haitian women and men to make lasting changes in their life and the lives of the mothers and children they care for.

Of course, there are a plethora of other groups that support women and girls, and we are grateful that they exist and are actively working to bring about positive change in our community.


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Centre NGO works to maximize the impact of organizations in communities worldwide, with a focus on data, capacity development, and advocacy. Our mission is to transform lives through sustainable change.

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