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Local Nonprofits

Roughly 90 percent of schools in Haiti are private and faith-based. It is hard to find a school or an organization that focuses on sex; we found Fondation pour la Santé Reproductrice et l’Education Familiale (FOSREF), which have been serving Haiti’s population since 1988. Its mission is to “promote and offer Reproductive Health / Family Planning / Maternal Health / Prevention & Treatment of Infectious Diseases, particularly STI / HIV / AIDS, services to the Haitian population, and improve the living conditions of Haitian families in Haiti. through actions on housing, the environment, professional education, psychosocial support for vulnerable groups.” 

In many communities, sex is not discussed in which it is a taboo, whereas the older generation would tell their daughters if they are touched by a boy they can become pregnant. There is a lack of communication as well as education of sex within Haiti’s population. Thus we believe FOSREF should get as much of your support.

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