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The International Foundation for Research in Experimental Economics (IFREE) is seeking applications

The International Foundation for Research in Experimental Economics (IFREE) is seeking applications for its Small Grants Program to promote Human Betterment through Experimental Economics to Improve the Understanding of Exchange Systems.

IFREE funds primary research in market and personal exchange systems.

IFREE sponsors:

  • participatory, hands-on, educational, workshops,
  • interdisciplinary academic discussions,
  • outreach programs for those outside the economics profession

Funding Information

The IFREE Small Grants Program provides funding of up to $10,000 for research projects that are consistent with IFREE’s Mission Statement and IFREE’s “principles of belief”.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The Small Grants Program is open to anyone affiliated with a research institution, regardless of citizenship or location of the institution.
  • Funding preference will be given to proposals that include one or more investigators who have participated in an IFREE workshop, either as a teacher or a student, and/or received pre or post-doctoral support from IFREE.

Expectations from successful applicants:

  • The long term sustainability of the IFREE Small Grants Program depends upon volunteers to review proposals. Therefore, successful applicants may be asked to become part of the pool of reviewers to review proposals on an ad hoc basis.
  • Successful applicants will be expected to submit a final report within 6 months of the project’s completion. The report should account for use of the IFREE funds, describe the research conducted, summarize key results, and list all working papers, grant submissions, publications, etc.
  • Papers must acknowledge funding support from the International Foundation for Research in Experimental Economics Small Grants Program.

Deadline: 1 August 2019

How to Apply

Applications must be submitted online via given website.

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