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Three NGOs You Need To Know

Education Haiti

We strive to provide talented Haitian students with mentorship in an effort to open doors to greater and better higher education opportunities.

To forge the next generation of young leaders in Haiti.

Our various programs help students expand their horizons and prepare for the different college application processes.


FONHDAD-(The Haitian Foundation for Sustainable Agricultural Development)

The Haitian Foundation for Sustainable Agricultural Development (FONHDAD) is a non-profit institution with administrative and financial autonomy. Its founding members are constituted by the university, the voluntary and the private sectors of Haiti. Its aim is to contribute to the modernization of Haitian agriculture by introducing new techniques, fertilizers and improved equipment to enable the agricultural sector to achieve better yields and better ways to commercialize its products. It has signed a contract with the Ministry of Agriculture (MARNDR) to manage the CRDD.


PROFAMIL (Association pour la Promotion de la Famille Haïtienne)

Founded in 1984, the Association for the Promotion of Haitian Families (PROFAMIL) is the oldest non-governmental organization, but non-lucrative, apolitical and non-confessional work in the field of reproductive health promotion in Haiti. Affiliated with the IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Federation), it is recognized by the State of Haiti as an organization to help develop the quality of health and reproductive health in Haiti.

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Centre NGO works to maximize the impact of organizations in communities worldwide, with a focus on data, capacity development, and advocacy. Our mission is to transform lives through sustainable change.

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