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Reflections on the philanthropy supporting ecosystem & how to lift-up philanthropy

In this article, we’re excited to share some of our thoughts and hopes for the future of philanthropy in Haiti. Haiti is near and dear to us, so we would like to spend some time today reflecting on the support that comes from philanthropy.

We hope this piece will give you a sense of what we do, why it matters, and how we think about the endeavor now and going forward.

“What is philanthropy?”

Philanthropy is a way to give back to the community. It’s about making a difference and doing good. It’s about supporting others, your friends and family members, and your community as a whole—and it can be done through donations or volunteering your time.

Philanthropy is not just about giving money; it’s also about sharing your knowledge and skills with those who need them most (like teaching people to read). 

Philanthropy means taking advantage of opportunities where you can impact someone’s life that would otherwise go unnoticed by even our closest loved ones or acquaintances.

Who cares? Why Haiti?

You may be wondering, “Who cares about Haiti? Why not donate to another country?” The answer is simple: Haiti is a country that needs help, and there are plenty of resources and people who want to help.

Haiti suffers from extreme poverty, with half its population living on less than $2.50 per day. It also has an extremely high rate of unemployment—44% according to World Bank data—and relies heavily on foreign aid for basic services like food security and health care. 

Additionally, Haiti is one of the most deforested countries in the world due to rapid deforestation caused by charcoal production during the 1980s and 90s. This deforestation has led not only to decreased rainfall but also increased flooding as mountainsides erode due to eroded soil; both affect agriculture production and food security further down the line.

Where we are now and where we’re going

Imagine a world where philanthropy is no longer seen as an act of charity but rather one of investing. A world where individual donors can connect with the communities they aim to support and how those communities can use that investment to create systemic change. 

This isn’t a hypothetical—it’s what many philanthropic organizations are working towards!

We believe that philanthropy should be more than just grant-making and giving money; it should also be about helping drive innovation within the nonprofit sector. And it’s our mission to do just that by creating opportunities for innovation within Haiti’s social services ecosystem through research, networking, convenings, and more.

More than a grant-making organization, more than a nonprofit organization

What comes to mind when you think about the word “philanthropy”? Like most people, my first thoughts are likely to be of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. This is because they are two of the most iconic philanthropists of our time.

They have leveraged their vast wealth and influence to make a real difference in some areas that need it most—and their examples have inspired countless others to commit their own resources for good. We all know how much impact this can have on the world around us: from helping alleviate poverty in developing nations like Haiti, bolstering infrastructure that supports education initiatives worldwide, improving healthcare access so more people can live longer lives, protecting endangered species, and providing relief after natural disasters.

The list goes on. But let’s get back to our original question: what is philanthropy? In short, it’s when someone uses their money or resources without expecting personal gain (or at least less than would be seen by investing them elsewhere). It’s often used synonymously with “charity,” but there are distinctions between these terms—which we’ll discuss more later on!

The ecosystem of the nonprofit sector in Haiti

Philanthropy is an important part of Haiti’s nonprofit sector’s ecosystem. It helps provide a level of support that can help people in need and helps people who want to make a difference in their community. 

We believe that it’s important for us all to be aware that there are many ways we can help each other and make our communities better places.

Elevating philanthropic funding in Haiti through four core pillars to make a difference

The philanthropy ecosystem is vital to the success of any country. Philanthropy can be defined as “generosity to support the needs of others.” In Haiti, there are many ways that philanthropy can make a difference, like providing education, health care, and more. 

It’s important for everyone—not just Haitians—to donate their time and money throughout the world! There are many opportunities for people from different cultures who want to help out with humanitarian efforts in countries like Haiti by donating through organizations such as Oxfam America or Catholic Relief Services (CRS).

All contributions, however big or small, can make an impact.

It is easy to think that you do not have the means to make a difference in someone’s life. This is true for some people, but it is not true for all of us. 

When we think of philanthropy, we immediately think big — large donations from wealthy individuals and corporations who can afford it. But this is not an accurate picture of what philanthropy looks like today or in the future. 

All contributions, however big or small, can impact society as long as they are utilized effectively and adequately by those trying to make a difference in their communities or elsewhere around the world where the need exists (i.e., developing countries).

I’m optimistic about the future of philanthropy in Haiti. Yes, it is challenging, but I believe that the resilience and determination of our people will help to make it happen. 

We have already seen great progress in the last decade, and we know that more work needs to be done. 

The most important thing is to keep working together towards our common goals: improving access to education, creating better opportunities for young Haitians, and building a brighter future for all Haitians—regardless of where they live or what their background may be

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Centre NGO works to maximize the impact of organizations in communities worldwide, with a focus on data, capacity development, and advocacy. Our mission is to transform lives through sustainable change.

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