Celebrities and Haiti
Food for thought, you may not want to hear this, but we need to re-evaluate celebrities on how they “help” Haiti. With having a platform that allows an individual to connect with the world with a simple click is powerful,…
Food for thought, you may not want to hear this, but we need to re-evaluate celebrities on how they “help” Haiti. With having a platform that allows an individual to connect with the world with a simple click is powerful,…
The topic that has generated more research in recent years about religion than almost any other concerns the role of so-called faith-based nonprofit organizations. Besides the more than three hundred thousand local congregations that presently exist in the United States,…
A much-needed debate about voluntourism is taking off on the web. It includes voices from the industry, academics, travel professionals, and volunteers themselves. From “The White Tourist’s Burden” to “Lions, Zebras, and African Children,” at the heart of these stories…
We’ve said it--don’t just donate, we’ve been preaching this for a while now and will continue to preach it. Sending barrels of clothes, school supplies, food, and more, is a form of dumping; by doing this, you are disrupting the…
While States are free to regulate the registration and oversight of organizations, the right to associate freely without interference requires that a State ensure that those legal requirements not impede, delay, or limit the creation or functioning of these organizations. That…
Assert the dominant value the organization believes in. (Afirme valè e pozisyon òganizasyon an kote li kanpe.) Describe briefly the conditions preventing the fulfillment of the value. (Dekri kondisyon yo ki anpeche pwogrè valè òganizasyon an.) State briefly what…
Being recognized as the Republic of NGOs, we, as nonprofits, fail to create sustainable projects to benefit the country. The norm of registration within the international community, including the Haitian diaspora, is to register their organization with their government as…
Yes you could provide “solution” to this or that problem in the global South. But should that be your role? When building relationships and trust, what if instead you offered the space for four things to occur: You create the…
When it comes to Haiti, we all need to change our mindset. Corruption is not Haiti’s only problem; however, government corruption should be acknowledged and be tackled. Modified on September 14, 1989, a time when Haiti was under the Human…
Before apply for a Grant, nonprofits needs to ask themselves simple questions and of course, how can they improve on the questions they can’t answer Organizational leadership should start by answering these five sets of questions: 1. Are the organization’s…