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Celebrities and Haiti

Food for thought, you may not want to hear this, but we need to re-evaluate celebrities on how they “help” Haiti. With having a platform that allows an individual to connect with the world with a simple click is powerful,…

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Faith-Based Nonprofits and Congregations

The topic that has generated more research in recent years about religion than almost any other concerns the role of so-called faith-based nonprofit organizations. Besides the more than three hundred thousand local congregations that presently exist in the United States,…

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Don’t Just Donate!

We’ve said it--don’t just donate, we’ve been preaching this for a while now and will continue to preach it. Sending barrels of clothes, school supplies, food, and more, is a form of dumping; by doing this, you are disrupting the…

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Mission Statement Exercise

  Assert the dominant value the organization believes in. (Afirme valè e pozisyon òganizasyon an kote li kanpe.) Describe briefly the conditions preventing the fulfillment of the value. (Dekri kondisyon yo ki anpeche pwogrè valè òganizasyon  an.) State briefly what…

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