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Don’t Just Donate!

We’ve said it--don’t just donate, we’ve been preaching this for a while now and will continue to preach it. Sending barrels of clothes, school supplies, food, and more, is a form of dumping; by doing this, you are disrupting the…

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State of Nonprofit Sector in Haiti

Following the devastating earthquake in 2010, funders pledged billions of dollars to assist in Haiti's recovery. However, funders promised far more aid to Haiti for emergency earthquake recovery than they delivered; the Center for Economic and Policy Research reported that…

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Urban Matters

Any city, however small, is in fact divided into two, one the city of the poor, the other of the rich.

–(Plato 363 BCE [reprinted 2012])

We have traveled the world to have a great appreciation and understanding of sustainable architecture as well as urban planning. The world is moving at a fast pace of “global gentrification,” and their construction is more innovative and sustainable, some places more considerate of the environment than others. However, within the nonprofit sector operating in Haiti, there is a lack of common sense. Urban planning or sustainability does not seem to play a critical role. When nonprofits fundraise to construct homes, they fail to invest in sustainability. Yes, it is imperative to provide jobs to the locals; however, upon the arrival of the next natural disaster, they will return only to reconstruct the same homes. Would you rather build homes for one-hundred families or would you rather house twenty-five? Any individual would wish to provide homes to one-hundred families; however, if these homes are not being built to be sustainable, to be “livable,” then it is a waste of time and money.

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Get Over It!

Eureka you’ve failed! The harsh reality of accountability. Are nonprofits operating in Haiti held accountable for their failures? According to Article 29 of the 1989 decree, “in case of violation of the Constitution or the provisions of this Decree, unjustified…

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